shani cosma was born and raised on hawai‘i island. in july 2021, Shani moved from her Puna home to O‘ahu. she currently works at a preschool full-time. shani’s move to o‘ahu sparked the idea of starting a business. she wanted her business to mean something not only to herself but people from the community. with a strong passion for sustainability and reducing plastic waste, shani created a business focusing on those aspects.

at E m i, we strive to provide an easy online shopping experience. we are committed to providing our customers with high-quality products sourced sustainably. with each product, our goal is to Embrace Meaningful Imagination. this means that we embrace every beautiful creation with a beautiful meaning with each customization.

shani hopes to continue her sustainability journey one day by opening a refill store in her hometown. (a refill store is where you can refill on skincare and household essentials, among other things.)

Quality, not quantity

embracing meaningful imagination involves nurturing a creative mindset that explores innovative ideas with purpose and significance. it involves letting your imagination roam freely while also tethering it to significance and value, using it to envision, create, and innovate in ways that have depth and purpose.

Where To Buy
